Tel: 01883 348911

New products

New totem LED light panel collection

Mid West Displays are preparing to add yet another new range to their ever expanding LED Light Panel collection. Developed to meet demand from the industry these aptly named Totem units are freestanding with stainless steel legs that can either be fixed directly into a floor or a sturdy base is available. These displays, as with so many of Mid West’s products, can be manufactured to suit the client’s needs, so whether you require space for one huge graphic to promote an offer or a series of smaller graphics that’s no problem at all.

In addition to this Mid West are also boasting a brand new Printer/Cutter that is opening up even more possibilities to the display manufactures. “With this new machine we have even less restrictions than ever before when it comes to bespoke displays and the development of new products” states Mark Newman the Managing Director.

t: 01743 465531

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